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在久久影院 发现了令人期待的《ScienceofThrillsSeason1》,欢迎观赏!这个视频是我们在网络上整理的,当您对这部电影感到喜欢时,请记得分享给朋友,希望您在观影《ScienceofThrillsSeason1》的时光里度过快乐愉快的片刻!
  Engineer and adventurer Rob Bell takes an unforgettable ride on some of the world’s greatest roller coasters. He discovers how these engineering marvels are built while revealing the science behind their construction and design.
  Shot in UHD by a BAFTA award winning team, the series reveals how the latest rides create completely new thrill experiences, by pushing the very boun...
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  • CurseoftheAncientswithAliceRobertsSeason1


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      In this exciting five-part history series, 'Curse of the Ancients' Professor Alice Roberts reveals how scientists are unearthing the evidence for cataclysmic events in the past and their disastrous consequences. From wars to earthquakes and floods to famines – these are the events that have helped shape our modern world. In each episode, Alice takes viewers on a journey across ...
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  • 博来·法拉


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      When Alex Loding passes Brat Farrar in the street, he's struck by Brat's uncanny resemblance to Simon Ashby. Simon had a older twin brother, Patrick, who disappeared a decade ago, and was presumed drowned. Simon now owns the family farm, Latchetts, a top-notch stable. Alex asks Brat, who loves horses, if he'd care to impersonate Patrick to disinherit Simon. But as Brat grows cl...
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