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• 正在播放:《DeInfiltrant》• 请勿相信视频中的任何广告• 如播放卡顿,请切换播放源观看或刷新




这部在比利时上映的动作《DeInfiltrant》是导演Jol Vanhoebrouck在2018年的杰作之一。主演名单上有基尔特·范·朗拜博格,德克·洛弗特,Natali Broods,彼得·范·登·贝京,Wouter Hendrickx等人才。久久影院 累计播映了12598场这部电影,引发了广泛的观众兴趣。
  Danny Desmedt is about to close a deal. But boy, is he at the wrong time at the wrong place. His new "client", Freddy 'Transbern' Bernaerts turns out to be a drug trafficker, under secret surveillance by the police. And Danny - is a convicted con artist. He is about to end up behind bars again. Unless - he agrees to work as an infiltrator for the police, penetrating deeply into...



  • MutualofOmaha'sWildKingdomSeason4


    在2006年,导演Jean-Franois Barthod,Arne Nvra,Rainer Bergomaz执导的纪录片《MutualofOmaha'sWildKingdomSeason4》4k更新至正片播映于美国。在这部电影中,我们能看到Simon Barritt,David Gasman,Gary Granville等主要表演者。在久久影院 上,这部电影已经播映了30511场,持续吸引着大量观众。
      Filmmaker David Reichert tours the Crozet Islands off the coast of South Africa, observing killer whales as they hunt elephant seals and king penguins.
    久久影院 为您提供《MutualofOmaha'sWildKingdomSeason4》4k更新至正片免费高清在线观看地址,相关内容包括剧情简介、演员阵容、导演信息、幕后花絮、剧照和海报,这些信息均来自网络,我们诚挚支持正版。

  • 鸡皮疙瘩第二季


    鸡皮疙瘩第二季4k完整版是由备受期待的导演René Bonnière执导,在1996年在加拿大播出的悬疑之一。这部电影的演员群体由梅洛迪·约翰逊,Ellen-Ray Hennessy,Susan Cooke,Robin Weekes,Simone Rosenberg,Catherine Fitch等出众演员组成。经过35940次播放,鸡皮疙瘩第二季4k完整版在久久影院 已经成为一个不容忽视的存在,持续吸引着影迷们的关注和热情。
      Samantha Byrd is a tall klutzy girl who is constantly being tormented by Judith, a moderately popular girl who taunts her by say things like "Fly away, Byrd." Samantha is a terrible basketball player and is forced to stay late after school for practice.
      One rainy afternoon after practice she meets a lost old lady in the woods and not only talks to this stranger but goes with he...
    久久影院 正式上线!立即体验免费观看高清在线以及中文字幕在线《鸡皮疙瘩第二季4k完整版》等内容,不仅如此,更有精彩悬疑等您免费欣赏!

  • 独角兽学院


    这部由导演执导的喜剧「独角兽学院」BD完整版在2023年在美国播映,引起了广泛的关注。这部电影的演员阵容涵盖了赛迪·拉弗拉姆-斯诺,科尔顿·斯图尔特,Monica Rodriguez Knox,Gabbi Kosmidis等重要角色。在久久影院 上已播放了37253场的「独角兽学院」BD完整版,持续吸引着观众的热切关注。
    请访问久久影院 ,我们为您提供「独角兽学院」BD完整版的免费高清在线观看地址,并整理了剧情简介、演员阵容、导演信息、幕后花絮、剧照、海报等内容。我们强烈支持合法观影。

  • Maruedel'Ale


    导演让-史蒂芬·布朗执导的「Maruedel'Ale」是在2022年在瑞士播出的一部备受关注的作品。由等人主演,这个阵容非常抢眼。在久久影院 累计播映了96405场的这部电影,持续吸引着广泛观众的关注。
      Jean-Stéphane Bron's latest self-imposed challenge is “to make a 3-hour film about a 165-metre street” – the one he lives on. In this documentary mini-series, filmed over the course of two years during the pandemic, the director shines a light on the entertaining troupe of characters who people the street below, mischievously casting them in his universal human theatre.
    久久影院 随时为您提供《「Maruedel'Ale」》在线高清观看,同时让您畅享更多免费内容!

  • 亲情纽带第五季


    久久影院 真诚邀请您共同来观赏电影「亲情纽带第五季」流畅中文版!这是我们在网上收集到的视频,如果你觉得这部影片不错,请记得分享给你的朋友,愿您在观影「亲情纽带第五季」流畅中文版过程中愉快满溢,心情愉悦!
      《Family Ties亲情纽带》80年代美国最热播的情景喜剧之一。曾有2季获得收视亚军。一对年轻时参加嬉皮运动的“花童“父母Keaton夫妇,老来自然是自由派民主党支持者。偏偏聪明好学又帅气的大儿子Alex叛逆的是共和党忠实拥趸,事事都要讲个经济学,生意经, 对家人也 不例外。 二女儿Mallor y也不让人省心,头脑空洞却虚荣拜金,常被哥哥利用,让她们主张女权的妈妈很失望。三女儿Jennifer虽然是个爱好体育的假小子,但却是父母的贴心小棉袄,总是与人为善。不久,这家又添了小儿子安德鲁,Alex立即抓住一切机会向其灌输新保守主义理念,把他变成了自己的小跟班。Alex常在家中大搞“里根主义“,与父母对着干,虽然有时能拿出好主意,可更多时候他的计谋常常让自己大出洋相。不过,Keaton夫妇永远爱他,虽有代际文化冲突,可一家人却总能包容彼此。 Sha-...


  • Debunker


    欢迎光临久久影院 ,欣赏电影DebunkerHD高质量版的精彩部分。这个视频是我们在互联网上整理的,当您觉得这部影片不错时,请务必分享给朋友,希望您在观影DebunkerHD高质量版时心情舒畅愉快,尽情享受片刻轻松自在!
      The Bunker follows the team of the Antwerp cell of the Belgian National Security service. This unit operates from the bunker, a secret underground headquarters. As field service officers, the secret agents collect information 'in the field', to prevent major threats or disasters before it's too late. This threat can come from all sides: the extreme left, extreme right, terroris...
    与您分享精彩的免费娱乐时光!久久影院 为您带来《DebunkerHD高质量版》免费观看,同时更新多样犯罪等内容!

  • 赖拉风暴


    2022年见证了这部备受关注的《赖拉风暴免费2K无修版》的发布。目前已更新至HD片源,来自比利时的电影,备有中文字幕,豆瓣网站为这部电影评定了6的评分。Kadir Ferati Balci导演执导了这部电影Ella Leyers,Wouter Hendrickx,Anemone Valcke等是该片的主演。这部电影的情感深沉,无法预测的情节令人瞠目结舌。
      When ice-cool, late-night radio DJ Lara receives a call from suicidal Suzy, a grueling game of cat and mouse unfolds; soon it seems that Suzy is holding all the cards. Lara realises it's time to take a decision and end the game.
    欢迎来到久久影院 ,免费在线观看《赖拉风暴免费2K无修版》!不仅有《赖拉风暴免费2K无修版》,更有各类精彩惊悚等内容等待着您!

  • DeInfiltrant


    《DeInfiltrant》免费超清高质量版是由备受瞩目的导演Jol Vanhoebrouck执导,在2018年在比利时上映的动作之一。演员阵容包括了基尔特·范·朗拜博格,德克·洛弗特,Natali Broods,彼得·范·登·贝京,Wouter Hendrickx等演员,这将是一场精彩绝伦的演出。《DeInfiltrant》免费超清高质量版在久久影院 已播放了45909次,持续成为了观众们喜爱的热门作品。
      Danny Desmedt is about to close a deal. But boy, is he at the wrong time at the wrong place. His new "client", Freddy 'Transbern' Bernaerts turns out to be a drug trafficker, under secret surveillance by the police. And Danny - is a convicted con artist. He is about to end up behind bars again. Unless - he agrees to work as an infiltrator for the police, penetrating deeply into...
    欢迎使用久久影院 ,我们提供了《DeInfiltrant》免费超清高质量版的免费高清在线观看地址,内容详细涵盖剧情简介、演员阵容、导演信息、幕后花絮、剧照、海报等,我们坚定支持正版。

  • 卧底费瑞的故事


    访问久久影院 ,即刻开始在线观看《卧底费瑞的故事》的乐趣。我们是在网络上找到了这部影片的,当您对这部电影感到满意时,请切记分享给朋友,愿您在观影《卧底费瑞的故事》时心情愉悦惬意!
      Ferry Bouman tries as a novice xtc-producer to get a foothold in the Brabant underworld. With John, brother-in-law Lars, Remco, and Dennis, he fights the immovable drug lord Arie Tack and a notorious motorcycle club to win his place at the top. But only when his lover Danielle learns the dark side of Ferry and his business it becomes clear what price he has to pay to become the...
    欢迎使用久久影院 ,我们为您提供了《卧底费瑞的故事》免费高清在线观看地址,内容包括剧情简介、演员阵容、导演信息、幕后花絮、剧照、海报等,均来源网络,我们坚定支持正版。

  • CruiseControl


    与久久影院 一同领略CruiseControl免费4k高质量版的魅力!这是我们收集整理的这部影片的在线观看资源,如果您喜欢这部电影,请切记和朋友们分享,愿您在观影CruiseControl免费4k高质量版时笑容满面,心情愉悦无比!
      Life does not go well the last couple of years for film director Serge Gabrils. Since the day he chose his career above the woman of his life, things kept going downhill. When a bailiff was sent to declare his production company bankrupt, he lost all hope and perspective. Fortunately at that crucial moment he received the one phone call he has been waiting for his whole life. ...